What are the purpose of Mouth Guards

What are the purpose of Mouth Guards?

What are mouth guards?

Mouth guards are mouth guards that are dental devices that are worn to protect your teeth from grinding or clenching when sleeping or while participating in sports. They can also aid with snoring and obstructive sleep apnea relief.

Types of mouth guards 

Mouth guards are available in different designs. Depending on your requirements, there are three main categories:


Stock mouth guards:

The most widely accessible and affordable mouth guard is a stock mouth guard. They\’re available at most recreational stores and pharmacy stores. They are typically available in small, medium, and big sizes and are designed to fit over your teeth. The majority of stock mouth guards only cover your top teeth. Stock mouth guards are simple to buy and inexpensive, but they do have certain drawbacks. They\’re frequently uncomfortable and don\’t give a snug fit because of their restricted sizing possibilities. It might also be difficult to converse while wearing one.

Boil and bite mouth guards/protectors:

Boil-and-bite mouth guards are similar to stock mouth guards in that they can be found at most drug stores and are quite inexpensive. Boil-and-bite mouth guards come in a single size that you can adjust to fit your teeth rather than a variety of sizes. This entails softening the mouth guard in the microwave before placing it over your front teeth and biting down. For best results, make sure you follow the instructions carefully to achieve the best fit.

Custom-fit mouth guards:

A mouth guard can also be custom-made by a professional dentist. A dental professional will take an impression of your teeth and utilize it to make a mouth guard that fits your teeth and mouth perfectly. This ensures a considerably better fit than stock or boil-and-bite mouth guard, making them more comfortable and difficult to dislodge accidentally while sleeping. A custom-made mouth guard is by far the best option if you grind your teeth, snore, or suffer from sleep apnea. While they are more expensive than over-the-counter mouth guards, many dental insurance policies pay the cost in part or entirely.

Who Needs a Mouth guard in the First Place?

Anyone who participates in contact sports such as football, boxing, soccer, ice hockey, basketball, lacrosse, and field hockey, both children and adults, should wear mouth guards. Even individuals engaged in non-contact sports such as gymnastics) and recreational activities (such as skateboarding and mountain biking that could result in a mouth injury will benefit from using a preventive mouth guard. To minimize tooth damage, adults and children who grind their teeth at night must have a bite plate or bite splint constructed. Moreover, patients who wear braces can also wear mouth guards to avoid any damage. 

How should I take care of my mouth guard?

To take care of your mouth guard, follow these steps:

  • Before and after each usage, rinse your mouth guard with cold water or a mouth rinse, or clean it with light soap and a toothbrush.
  • Rinse the mouth guard thoroughly after cleaning it in cool, soapy water.
  • While traveling keep the mouth guard in a hard, perforated container. This allows for air circulation and aids in the prevention of damage. Keep the mouth guard in fresh, clean water if it is made of acrylic material.
  • To avoid altering the mouth guard\’s design, keep it away from high temperatures like hot water, heated surfaces, or direct sunlight.
  • Check the mouth guard for general wear regularly. Replace it if it develops holes or tears, or if it gets loose or causes discomfort.
  • And lastly, bring the mouth guard to each of your regular dental appointments so that your dentist can examine it.

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